Bubble tea with cute animals? Meet Chalk and Chakra's designer behind these yummy prints

Gabrielle Wai of Troops on Print

One look at the works of Troops on Print and you’ll know why we had to have them on our yoga mats. (See them here and over here)

She has legions of fans on Instagram who love her her witty take on iconic everyday Singaporean scenes, furry animals and of course, food.

Troops on Print’s Gabrielle Wai tells us more about her art and style.

Do you practise yoga personally?

Yessssss. My posture isn’t the best. I’m always looking down and staying in one position to illustrate. I’m prone to very bad back and neck aches, which cause tension headaches. Yoga and stretching daily are super important for me. I make it a routine to do them as often as I can. 

How does it feel then to see your creations on a kids yoga mats then?

It feels awesome! I would have never imagined having my illustrations on a yoga mat. I hope kids and their parents like them as much as I do.


How did you first get started as an illustrator?

 As cheesy as it sounds, I started drawing at a very young age. I love to draw animals. I can still remember my first art lesson in school at aged 6. My teacher taught me how to draw a penguin using the letter “S”. I’ve been drawing since then and decided to make it a full-time career.

Do you have a personal mantra to help get over a difficult period or whenever you feel stressed?

My personal motto is: When there’s no rain, there will be no flowers.

One final question: How did you come up with the name Troops on Print?

I knew I always wanted to have the word print in my brand as I studied print-making. Troops because I’m a big Star Wars fan and I love Stormtroopers. I just put the two words together!


Check out Gabrielle’s works at her website or follow her on Instagram @troopsonprint